Valonia Extract
Valonia extract is a powdered substance used in leather tanning. Acorn caps are milled and boiled in distilleries and then dried and a high amount of
tanning material is unearthed. It is used extensively especially in leatherindustry.
Chesnut Bark Extract
Vegetable tannin extract made from the chestnut bark, found naturally in the Turkish forests.
Red Pine Extract (Artutan K)
ARTUTAN K is produced from the knit pine tree (Pinus Brutia) shell. This product is a new herbal tanning extract that is industrially processed by our company and can be used in many fields.
Sumach Leaves Powder
Sumach powder can be advised in the production of different types of leathers.
The tannin leaches out very rapidly and penetrates easily into the leather structure.
Pretanned or wet-white prepared leathers can be fully tanned with sumach which will give satisfactory physical and chemical properties.